Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Laura's Arrival

I wanted to show a couple of videos that I took of us meeting Laura for the first time. The first video is just after she went through customs and she's introduced to us by one of the Project One Forty Three staff members, Tammy. The second video is quite possibly the sweetest thing ever. Lucy, completely unprovoked and on her own, was physically attached to Laura from the moment we met her. She had her right hand wrapped around her back, her left hand on Laura's arm, and her head resting on Laura's shoulder...and her classic cheesy grin across her face (I didn't have a chance to get any of this from the front though). I hope you enjoy these as much as I have.


Kacy said...

WOW. This gives me chills. So proud of you guys.

Laura said...

I have tears running down my cheeks!! Janna, you're glowing with so much love!! Praying for this experience!

Tori said...

This video made me the middle of 10 sleeping 2 year olds...maybe I shouldn't have watched this video on my first day back to work away from my baby. ANYWAY, I love how happy you and Lucy are and hearing sweet Mark's voice. Love you guys!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing... I was just thinking about you after the craziness from Christmas has finally settled down and wondering how the experience is going. Thanks for being obedient and sharing Christ's love... what a perfect home for her to be in over the holidays!! I'm sure you'll be changed forever by this experience.
