Saturday, August 22, 2009

We have a walker on our hands...

That's right. She's walking. Okay, not like, I set her down and she takes off...yet. But Wednesday night she took her first two steps EVER. On Thursday she started to get brave and would let go of things and take two or three steps and fall. Today, I glance away for one second and she's made it half way across the room. We have yet to get a video of it, mainly because every time she does it we are both in shock and don't really expect her to do it again, but she does!

Oh, and what do you think of the new blog? I know its plain, but sometimes I like plain. And I was getting bored with the old one. Too purple. Plus Mark said it was too girly. I reminded him that he is outnumbered 3 to 1 in this household (including Heidi), but I decided to change it anyway. Here are a few pictures from today.

Her favorite new place, the baby gate.'s a love-hate relationship.

Bending down to get her book. I'm pretty sure she fell after this.

Walking! Her original start point was the gate, then she let go and started coming towards me.

On another note, Lucy has a new play room! We've been in this house over a year now, and ever since we moved in I said I was going to turn the dining room into a playroom since we have no dining room furniture and I figured a playroom would be a much cheaper venture than a dining room. Well its taken me a year. Actually it only took me about 2 days...but it took me a year to get started. It still needs some things on the wall, and maybe a shelf or two, but its a vast improvement over the blah empty room it was a week ago.


Chris and Abby said...

umm, I can't believe you said that something was "too purple"! I din't think that was possible! lol. Yay for Lucy walking!!

mimi said...

Great seeing you yesterday, Janna! I love all these pics of Lucy. She is so beautiful!
Can't believe she is walking!