Sunday, September 20, 2009

We're back!

Yes I've slacked major on the blogging lately. Sorry for all you avid fans. We just got back in town from our first official family vacation. Just the three of us. It was amazing. We went to Gulf Shores for the week and all three of us got sick with fevers, congestion and sore throats by the second day, but in spite of that we really had a blast. There was really only one day that we stayed in and slept all day cuz we were so sick.

Lucy was a little fish. Seriously fearless in the water. So fearless that I'm kind of worried that next summer she's going to be the kid jumping in the deep in and thrashing around underwater until I pull her out. She loved the pool, loved the ocean, and loved the sand. She is her mother's daughter. The condo had a baby pool that wasn't quite shallow enough for her to run around in, but wasn't too deep that she couldn't stand, so she spent the majority of her time running around in the pool until she fell completely underwater and one of us had to fish her out. Then it became a game of falling underwater and jumping back up again. She wore us out :)

It was heavenly having time with just the three of us. No agenda, no schedule, no obligations. All we had to think about was when we wanted to eat and which seafood restaurant we should hit. My kind of vacation. I promise to post pictures soon, but just to make sure you come back for more...

Best bikini bod I've ever seen :)

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