Tuesday, May 5, 2009

9 months comes with an attitude

Lucy had her 9 month check up yesterday, and the topic of discussion between her pediatrician and mommy? Discipline. This girl has the strong will of her mommy, plus the "I don't care if I get in trouble" attitude of her daddy. Bad combination. She really is a sassy little thing. It just means I'm going to have to work even harder to have a well behaved child! I'm up to the challenge though, don't worry. When she's not poppin a tude, Lucy really is such a sweetie. I think she just has more personality than she knows what to do with :)

Stats from her check up:

Weight: 19lbs 5 oz. - 50% (although she's been sick and hasn't eaten well the past week so I think she may actually weigh more than this

Height: 28" - 75%

Head: 45 cm - 90%

Apparently she has a big head. But of course we knew that already.

Helping mommy walk Heidi

Getting SO big and independent

Blueberry pancakes....(whole wheat of course) her new favorite

Lucy at her best: sittin in the sun with mommy, chewing on her sunscreen stick. Don't get me started on the hat. It was a major battle. Mommy won though.

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