- both girls had check ups this week and had to get shots....I took them by myself, and my ride home looked like this:
- Lucy got a bike for her birthday so pretty much every day we have a new scrape or bruise from falling. She LOVES the bike though and I'm so proud of her perseverance because usually she gets frustrated easily and quits. (I'll do a separate post with bike pics)
-Lucy also got a fishing pole and has decided that fishing for her sister is more fun than actually fishing for...well, fish.
- I have a profound addiction to eBay. Buying and selling. I finally verbalized it to Mark the other day. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Although, I've gotten some killer deals on clothes and shoes for the girls so I'm really not saying it's a problem....maybe I'm not ready....
- Annie is a climber. I constantly find her standing on chairs, tables, stools, toys, whatever. Fortunately she just climbs up and then stands there and yells "mama!" until I get her down.
- We've started the process of moving Annie into Lucy's room. So far I've finished the closet and I'm really happy with how it turned out. (happy with a closet? I know, I'm weird. I'm an organizational freak). We were blessed with a FREE crib and mattress, I bought crib sheets on the cheap at Ikea, and I'm making Annie's blanket and pillow case, so the room has cost us next to nothing so far. Although I am a little ticked at fabric.com since I've tried to order the backing for Annie's blanket TWICE and not heard until 2 weeks later that it's out of stock....ugh.
- We have a new bunny friend in our yard. He hangs out by the clover in the back, and Lucy has gotten pretty close to him a few times.
- NO we don't have a baby name yet. I know this is hard to believe, but really, we don't. Certain people (ahem...) have even asked Lucy what the baby's name will be because they think we just aren't telling. We aren't secret keepers. We truly don't have a name.
- Although I've never been so physically and emotionally miserable in my life because this pregnancy has been so difficult, I have a huge peace and joy about the upcoming changes to our family and where God is leading us. He has been so gracious and faithful and I am reminded daily of what an honor pregnancy is, and how fleeting life can be. God is also doing amazing things in our community and we are excited and humbled to be a part of a new church plant in Newnan (more on that later).
That's all I got...we have lots of work to do today to get ready for baby!