Potty Training!! Oh the joys of potty training. The obligatory public bathroom visits, the car rides screaming because she has to go RIGHT now, the endless amounts of peeing, flushing, washing.....its exhausting! I'm exhausted. But all the hard work paid off because Lucy is potty trained.
We took the "boot camp" approach. Which pretty much sums up my parenting technique. Whenever a new milestone or season of change approaches, we dive in head first and never look back. It's always worked pretty well because Lucy is a lot like me in that respect. Just do it and be done with it.
I've been telling her for probably 2 months now that as soon as we get back from the beach, we are going to wear big girl panties and go in the potty. She has talked and talked about it and knew it was coming. This was good and bad. Good because it prepared her....bad because it meant I actually had to follow through. So we got back from the beach on a Saturday night. Took the day Sunday to go to church, rest, unpack.....woke up Monday morning and hit the potty full force! I put her in panties first thing that morning and she's been wearing them ever since! By day 4 she was potty trained. Seriously. The first two days I almost had mental breakdowns....then day 3 came and there was hope....then day 4 came and she was trained. Period. She has had maybe 3 accidents total since that day 4, which was 3 weeks ago. She is wearing diapers or pull ups while she sleeps, but I think she will be able to drop that soon.
If anyone cares about my approach, feel free to ask, but I won't bore you with the details on the blog. Let's just say it involved LOTS of asking, praising with songs and M&Ms, and loads of patience. Oh and an entire week of us not leaving the house....it takes dedication people! But like I said, I'm so glad to be done with it instead of dragging it on for months and months.
Sometimes Lucy got a little silly while sitting on the potty
We took the potty with us everywhere. The kitchen....
We even took it to the park with us the other day! (don't have that picture to post...but trust me, it was hilarious). I'm so proud of Lucy and how well she did. She never gave me any resistance to this big step in her life. One down, hopefully many more to go :)